Raise your hand if you’ve got a digital pile of pictures that are collecting virtual dust. Sure, you might dig them out of your Dropbox account or iPhone photo roll every once in a while, but you paid for those pictures and chances are they’re not getting the visual justice they deserve. OK, I’m partly kidding, but it’s kind of true! Below I’ve laid out 7 different reasons why you should finally get to printing all those digitally imprisoned images. Maybe one or two of them will compel you into action so that you can enjoy those smiles on the reg. Those first days deserved to be framed and remembered fondly!
They’d Look Really Great on the Fridge Your fridge is prime real estate for some of your favorite portraits. Not only will you get to look at them multiple times a day, but so will friends and family when they come over for dinner. In fact, you can improve your family’s self-esteem by just putting pictures up of them where they can see them often.
That Blank Wall Could Use a Nice Smile You know that blank wall in your home? Maybe it’s above the living room couch, in the stairway, or in your front entry. A canvas print would tackle two birds: decor and finally getting those pics printed. Did you know putting family photos on your walls at home actually can improve your child’s self-esteem!
Your Kids Are Currently Frozen In Time So many of us are guilty of printing our photos, feeling accomplished for doing so, and then waiting forever to print the most recent batch. It’s now been four years, and your kids have changed completely since. Update your existing, outdated portraits with pictures that are much more recent.
You’re Craving a Décor Makeover If you’re bored with your current living room, bedroom, nursery, or even hallway, adding a few pictures throughout is a great way to inexpensively and very easily change things up. Grab some new throw pillows or a window dressing to match while you’re at it! What a gorgeous moment! This deserves to be displayed because you know it’s going to bring a smile to anyone that sees it.
Every Office Needs Some Family Love Whether you’ve got a home office in need of some TLC or a work desk at the office that needs to be infused with a bit more personality, a framed 5×7 or 4×6 print will always do the trick. If you’re feeling ambitious, opt for a collage or a canvas.
A Scrapbook Project Could Be Real Fun Putting together a scrapbook for your partner or children isn’t only therapeutic for you, but it will be a treasured gift they’ll keep forever. You could even invite a loved one to help create the scrapbook with you. Maybe make some extra prints for your kids to make their own personal family collages.
They Make Amazing Gifts Nobody is going to turn away a Starbucks gift card or a new gadget, but the gift of images takesthings to a whole new, personalized level. Whenever you’re in doubt, gift pictures. Canvases, framed 8x10s, flipbooks, and albums are a joy to give and receive!
